Virtually all you need is standard household tools, such as a screwdriver. The materials for the Magnetic Generator itself can be purchased from any local hardware store, such as Home Depot. To build and install the Magniwork system, you will simply need common tools such as pliers and a screwdriver. Material cost will vary depending on the size of Magniwork System you plan to produce, as well as how much energy you need from it.
I built the generator as a supplement to my current electrical installation. I have been using the magniwork generator for 2 days , and the initial estimations that I made, record an increased efficiency on my power installation in the area of 40-45%. For those that wonder if theMagniwork generator work’s, well, it’s simply using a somewhat scientific process called “Perpetual Motion”. Perpetual motion is when a a device continues to move without stopping. It all depends -on the size of the house and the size of the generator.
n prinsiple you can generate fairly large amounts of electrical power from the wind. HOWEVER it's not magic and there are several web sites dealing with wind turbines as well as instructables. That's what the Magniwork generator is designed to do. This generator powers itself and works indefinitely, without stopping, creating a large amount of energy.
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